Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Take the Best Instagram Selfie

Take the Best Instagram Selfie

One of everyone's favorite app right now for taking pictures and uploading stuffs and sharing it with their friends is the Instagram. Now, for most people, they just love taking selfies. Both men and women nowadays love taking pictures of themselves. Some studies even show that taking selfies is now a disorder. Bu I am no hater here. I take selfies too. Just not regularly. Here is a a basic tip for Instagram selfie:

For some basic selfies, you want to find a well-lighted place and have a decent background. Nearby the window is fine too. When taking pictures of yourself, you may want to extend your neck so that it will make your facial feature shine. Practicing your posture, it is best that you keep your shoulders up whenever you pose. Practice in the mirror and take a lot of selfies, this way, you'll be able to determine your right angle. Then choose your best selfie, use filters and upload it on your Instagram.

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