Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Take the Best Instagram Selfie

Take the Best Instagram Selfie

One of everyone's favorite app right now for taking pictures and uploading stuffs and sharing it with their friends is the Instagram. Now, for most people, they just love taking selfies. Both men and women nowadays love taking pictures of themselves. Some studies even show that taking selfies is now a disorder. Bu I am no hater here. I take selfies too. Just not regularly. Here is a a basic tip for Instagram selfie:

For some basic selfies, you want to find a well-lighted place and have a decent background. Nearby the window is fine too. When taking pictures of yourself, you may want to extend your neck so that it will make your facial feature shine. Practicing your posture, it is best that you keep your shoulders up whenever you pose. Practice in the mirror and take a lot of selfies, this way, you'll be able to determine your right angle. Then choose your best selfie, use filters and upload it on your Instagram.

Ultimate Paleo Diet Recipes that You will Love

Paleo Diet Recipes that You will Love

I've been thinking a lot about food today and thought I'd share some of the recipes that I like to make whenever I get the chance. Well, for today's recipe I'd like to share some Paleo diet recipes

I picked up my three favorite Paleo diet recipes and they are awesome.

 Skinny Orange Chicken Recipe

Orange Chicken has to be one of my favorite Chinese dishes that I order when we order takeout or visit a Chinese restaurant that I love when we happen to make it into the big city. I’ve made it a few times at home, but decided the other day that I wanted to try a skinny orange chicken.

Thai Beef Lettuce Cups

Are you ready for some fun today? I sure am. Not only am I volunteering for my sons Ski PE class. Yes, you heard me right. SKI PE. Yet another bonus to living in the snowy peaks of Telluride. The kiddos have ski class with their pals one day a week. This dish is for dinner after such a grueling day…

Chicken Veggie Meatballs with Pesto Zucchini “Noodles”

Yesterday I finally I had a spike of energy and got back into the kitchen and I went a little crazy preparing meals for the week.  And of course, Paleo meals.  It also helped that I got a really cool new kitchen tool.

Free Movie Online, Is It Legal to Watch?

Is Watching Free Movie Online, Legal?

Yes, some movies are legal but some are not. You can watch free movie online through various movie online sites that are widely available today. However, it would be best if you aren't going to download it. There are couple of sites where you can watch free movie online. The only people that would get into trouble would be the people who put the movie there in the first place.

There are a lot of sites where you can watch free movie online, but as I stated above, as much as possible, don't download it. More likely, there will be a hidden virus and that would probably crash your computer.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to Ace a Job Interview?

Do's and Don'ts to Nail that Job Interview

No matter what the industry when it comes to job interview, the main thing that is being focused on are the interest in the offered job, professionalism, if you are fit for the job, and most of all your personality. 

Dress for Success, Dress to Impress

When you have a job interview, make sure that you dress appropriately. For men, it is best if you wear a suit. Once that are charcoal gray, navy blue and a white shirt and of course a very nice tie. For women, you can also wear a suit for an interview. Pants suit or skirt suit will perfectly do just fine. Put on some light makeup and don't wear blings and too bright colors. Don't wear too much perfume. 

Meeting the Interviewer - Handshake

When giving the handshake, do give a firm handshake but not to the point your gripping the interviewers hands. Do not give a lame handshake. To make sure that you give handshake is to have that web between the thumb and forefinger, get fully contacted with the interviewers hands. Do give an eye contact and smile. Make sure that you stand and greet the interviewer. Bring a copy of your resume as well. And remember to turn off your mobile phone. 

Handling the Questions

Tell me About Yourself - a lot of people often get this messed up. Some people would tell the interviewer their life story instead of giving a concise summary of your ability, goals and careers. Use this opportunity to sell yourself. 

Illegal Questions

It is actually illegal for interviewers to ask you personal questions, there is no need for you to volunteer in answering questions like your age, marital status and etc. However, you can answer or tell the interviewer that you would like to focus on that job rather than your personal life. 


Most interviewers would like to know from you on how you assess your good and bad points. Focus on things that can be improved upon overtime instead of you character or personality flaws.

Remember this tips and surely you will ace that job interview. Good luck!

Disney Villains, Who's your Favorite?

All about the Disney Villains...

If you have your favorite heroes, prince and princesses, well what I have is my favorite Disney villain. And that is Shan Yu from the Disney's Mulan. I don't know, I just like his character. My kind of villain. What about you? Who's your favorite Disney Villain. Here they are below. Can you guess who they are?

Lose Weight Fast, Is it Possible?

Is it Possible for Someone to Lose Weight Fast?

We all know that one of the many problem that most men and women encounter is losing weight. It is likely common for one to search all over the world wide web and search for the fastest way to lose weight. But the question is, "Can someone possibly lose weight fast?" People would probably wished that losing weight is as fast as eating those french fries you bought in some fastfood chain. But reality, it's not. 

However, there is something that you can do to help you lose weight fast. Here's 2 of them:

1) Water Diet - this diet involves the usual thing that we are supposed to do and make it as a part of our daily routine. Sadly, not all can do this. People would be able to drink up 8 bottles of beer at one night rather than drink the 8 glasses of water, don't you think? Drink a glass of water, 30 minutes before you have a meal. This will help reduce the calorie intake and will also suppress your appetite. 

2) Juice Cleansing - Drink juices that is made from raw vegetables and fruits. This will remove toxins in our system and would also help you lose weight too.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How to Get Good Grades?

Get Good Grades and Make Your Parents Proud

Making your parents proud in getting good grades. Getting good grades and passing the exam is just one of the things that would make your parents really proud. Something that you can repay to them. If this is something that you get worried about, then don't be. Don't give up and get yourself that A grade that you've always wanted.

Question is, how do you do it? Improve your study skills.

Here are some easy and simple tips that you can do to get those good grades:

  • Make sure you attend your classes and don't ditch. Make sure you get some notes. When you have homeworks, do your homeworks as soon as possible. (I remember doing my homeworks back in high school, whenever I get home, that is the first thing that I would do or if I still have time in school, I make them in school. It gives me the benefit of having lecture fresh in my mind). When I get home, I don't have to worry about anything.

  • Do not get distracted when you are studying. One of the things that gets you distracted are social networking sites and your mobile phone. When studying, noise is inevitable sometimes, so I suggest you use ear plugs. Make sure you have your desk facing the wall to avoid distractions. Take a break once in awhile too. 
  • Make sure you get good enough sleep. Don't forget to exercise and eat healthy foods. If you aren't eating, sleeping and exercising right, then all the studying won't do you anything good. So make sure you do this.