Thursday, July 31, 2014

How to Ace a Job Interview?

Do's and Don'ts to Nail that Job Interview

No matter what the industry when it comes to job interview, the main thing that is being focused on are the interest in the offered job, professionalism, if you are fit for the job, and most of all your personality. 

Dress for Success, Dress to Impress

When you have a job interview, make sure that you dress appropriately. For men, it is best if you wear a suit. Once that are charcoal gray, navy blue and a white shirt and of course a very nice tie. For women, you can also wear a suit for an interview. Pants suit or skirt suit will perfectly do just fine. Put on some light makeup and don't wear blings and too bright colors. Don't wear too much perfume. 

Meeting the Interviewer - Handshake

When giving the handshake, do give a firm handshake but not to the point your gripping the interviewers hands. Do not give a lame handshake. To make sure that you give handshake is to have that web between the thumb and forefinger, get fully contacted with the interviewers hands. Do give an eye contact and smile. Make sure that you stand and greet the interviewer. Bring a copy of your resume as well. And remember to turn off your mobile phone. 

Handling the Questions

Tell me About Yourself - a lot of people often get this messed up. Some people would tell the interviewer their life story instead of giving a concise summary of your ability, goals and careers. Use this opportunity to sell yourself. 

Illegal Questions

It is actually illegal for interviewers to ask you personal questions, there is no need for you to volunteer in answering questions like your age, marital status and etc. However, you can answer or tell the interviewer that you would like to focus on that job rather than your personal life. 


Most interviewers would like to know from you on how you assess your good and bad points. Focus on things that can be improved upon overtime instead of you character or personality flaws.

Remember this tips and surely you will ace that job interview. Good luck!

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